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  3. FootfallCam Device Installation Guide
  4. Appendix E: Installation Completion Checklist

Appendix E: Installation Completion Checklist

Pre-Installation Checklist (For Installer) 
Ensure the working permit is approved before the installation date.
Ensure the IT detail and pairing code for the specific site is available 
Ensure the pairing code is correct.

Ensure the number of counter(s) is correct.

(Info: Use FootfallCam Calculator to determine the number of counter(s).)

Ensure the type of counter required is correct.

(Info: Type of counter is determining based on ceiling height.)

Prepare an extra counter in case of any unexpected situation.
Prepare a PoE switch in case of not enough network port.
Prepare a bracket in case of the ceiling is too high.

Onsite Installation Checklist 

Step 1: Arrive at Store (For installer) 

Inform FootfallCam Support Team once you arrive on site.

Step 2: Identify Location for Counter Install (For installer) 

Identify the type of entrance. (Non-Swinging Door / Swinging Door / Wide Entrance)

Snap a photo of the entrance from an internal and external angle.

Measure the ceiling height, entrance width and drop-down obstacle height. Check counter position and number of counters required to cover whole entrance using FootfallCam Calculator 

(Info: Use FootfallCam Calculator to determine the number of counter(s).)

Recheck suitable counter degree lens according to ceiling height of the actual installing position. (https://prnt.sc/yx8u32)

Request the IT Instruction Work Sheet or Pairing Code from HQ if not available .

Input Ceiling Height, Counter Name, and Pairing Code according to user guide

Step 3: FootfallCam Support Personnel to Check 

Check if sites have any physical limitations and provide support according to Section 1.1.

Check live view of all counters can cover whole entrance

Check live view / depth map of the camera to see any flaws/ broken depth map

Confirm counter is BLUE LED light if the store has ready and stable Internet connections. Obtain counter heartbeat

Check all counter's details (Serial, Chipset code, Site Name)

Step 4: Perform Basic Tuning and Walk Test (By Installer) 

Draw the IN and OUT counting line until the edge of the pathway.

Perform a walk test to ensure the counter is counting accurately. Ensure that there will be height obtain from the person walking in the Live View.

Step 5: Prior to Leave the Site (By Installer) 

Submit a screenshot on Live View page that shows Setup Completed to FootfallCam Support Team.

Submit a photo of counter mounting location and midspan in the comms cabinet to FootfallCam Support Team.

Ensure site and cables in back room connection is clean and tidy 

Ensure the cables are property labelled and running through the ceiling instead of floor.

Send signed Delivery Note to FootfallCam 

1.1 Support guidelines for physical limitations (Prevent tuning difficulty)

  1. Confirm the type of door (if there's any)

    1. Swinging door

      1. Ensure the counter is installed one meter away from the entrance(door)

      2. Confirm the swinging door direction while opened (Inward swing/ Outward swing / both direction) and ask the installer to take an image or screenshot when the door is in open condition if confirmation is needed

      3. Sample: Swinging door : http://prntscr.com/qcvkbe & installer live view http://prntscr.com/qcvl65 & tuner live view https://prnt.sc/qa5i78 

      4. Sample: Swinging door with suggestion on installation spot  http://prntscr.com/qcvlpj & live view http://prntscr.com/qcvm6z & https://prnt.sc/p1h0tn 

  2. Confirm if any blockage in the live view

    1. Ensure that there is no any decorations, lights or any obstacles blocking the live view

    2. Sample: https://prnt.sc/q0dc2m & http://prntscr.com/qcvmu8 & https://prnt.sc/pfuvxj

  3. Limited entrance space

    1. If the entrance is narrow + low ceiling condition (2- 2.5m height) + swinging door, recommend repositioning the counter to another location as the location is not ideal for FFC to track and count people accurately.

    2. Narrow entrance + low ceiling = suggest to use a 140 degree lens of the counter.

    3. Sample: http://prntscr.com/peo3eu -> narrow + low ceiling + swinging door

  4. Staircase

    1. FFC is not able to count/track accurately especially staircase + narrow space due to the not flatten floor and limited walking distance. Suggest to re-position.

    2. Normal staircase location, suggest to install at the end of the staircase (flatten floor)

    3. Sample: https://prnt.sc/q6fgsm  &  http://prntscr.com/qcvtpe  

  5. Low ceiling

    1. Suggest to use 140 degree lens of counter

    2. Sample: https://prnt.sc/qccasa

  6. Entrance is not fully covered by the counter

    1. Suggest to shift the counter depends on the condition

    2. If the condition is unsure, request the installer to give the ceiling height and entrance width of the area and use the calculator at the website to count if the entrance is able to be fully covered with only 1 counter.

    3. Special condition : Customer purchased 2 counters but the actual environment needs more than 2 counters. Customers are aware that accuracy will be affected at the first place but don't have the budget to purchase more counters. Installers need to raise this issue in group. FFC to suggest an installer to install at the middle of the entrance. 

    4. Sample: http://prntscr.com/pd8pde  &  https://prnt.sc/pft8we 

  7. Low light environment

    1. Make sure that the lighting of the environment is bright enough else unable to track

    2. Sample: https://prnt.sc/pe7cc7

  8. Blur lens 

    1. Suggest to wipe the lens

    2. Still blur then change counter

    3. Sample: https://prnt.sc/pfuzmj

  9. Depth map broken

    1. Suggest to change counter

    2. Sample: http://prntscr.com/qcvhbl  


Possible Issues that occur during Installation Support

Issues  Action Plan Examples
Unable to set settings like camera name, ceiling height, and IP settings
  • Double check the counter Firmware Version to see is it the latest firmware.

Unable to save camera name: http://prntscr.com/q1mudh

Pairing Issue -
Flashing Blue Light
Setup Status: Not Paired

  • Rule: Connected to Analytics Server BUT Device Pairing shows EITHER 'No Pairing Code' OR 'Not Paired Yet'.
  • Network connected, Server connected, Device not having a pairing code OR not paired yet.


Constant Blue Light
  • Network connected, Server connected, Device Pairing successful.
  • Proceed to check Counter Heartbeat.


Network Issue -
Flashing Green Light
Setup Status: DHCP is Not Reachable

  • Rule: DHCP server checking failed.


Network Issue -
Flashing Green Light
Setup Status: 'IP is Out of Range' OR 'IP is Outside The Subnet Mask'

  • Rule: Intended to use subnet mask and gateway to obtain the range of IP addresses. Error will occur if out of range.
  • Inform installer to double check the IP details and make sure all inputs are correct.
  • Mostly likely is caused by wrong Server Address.


image above is from older version


Network Issue -
Flashing Green Light
Setup Status: DNS Lookup Failed

  • Rule: Intended to resolve the server address using DNS that is filled in by the user. Error will occur if the DNS failed to resolve the server address.
  • Inform installer to double check the IP details and make sure all details are correct.
  • If all IP details are correct, inform installer to double check and make sure the cable is properly crimp.
  • Except: If the device is able to push heartbeat to server, it will overwrite the condition above.


image above is from older version


Network Issue -
Flashing Green Light
Setup Status: Proxy is Not Reachable

  • Rule: Proxy is set but not able to access to our Server Network Issue.
  • Except: If the device is able to push heartbeat to server, it will overwrite the condition above.


Network Issue -
Constant Green Light
Setup Status: Server is Not Reachable

  • Rule: Not able to ping (client) server.
  • Network connected, Server not connected.


Network Diagnosis Issue  -
Flashing Yellow Light
Setup Status: Unable to Run Network Diagnosis

  • Rule: Failed to read from Network Diagnosis's text file.
  • Raise the issue to FootfallCam support chat.


Cable Issue -
Constant Yellow Light
Setup Status: Eth0 is Not Enabled

  • Rule: Failed to obtain information on ethernet cable connected to counter.
  • Double check the cable, swap with another cable if the issue still persist.
  • Constant yellow light most likely is related to cable issues.


Constant Red Light
System Unable to Boot In

  • Inform installer to reboot counter by powering it off for 5 minutes.
  • If the issue is still persist after the reboot, use another counter for installation (assuming installer have any spare Counter).


Live View Not Available during maintenance mode http://prntscr.com/q1m1xt
Pink Patch too large (Cover too much)
  • Inform installer to move the obstacle / decoration away and check is it the issue still persist.
Counter Allocation Failed http://prntscr.com/q1m4nq
Unable to access counter
  • If installer said unable to access the counter through WIFI, need to inform them to reboot the counter to see is it the issue still persist.
  • If the issue still persist, and the site do not have other working counter can be access by team, may inform installer to swap a new counter.
  • If there are another working counter, can ask installer whether they have computer or not to remote access and check the issues.


Updated on April 22, 2021