Appendix A – Staff Exclusion Tag

Please raise a support ticket to activate the feature. For more information on Raising a Support Issue, please refer to Chapter 13.


Staff exclusion tag is used to exclude staff footfall from the total footfall traffic.

The tag interacts with the counter passively, as the tag does not have battery and does not emit any signal or radio waves to the counter. Staff is only required to wear the tag on the shirt, and behave usually.

When a person enters the live view of the FootfallCam device, the device will check if the person is wearing the staff tag. If s/he is, a black cross will show up on the person in the live view, and the footfall will be excluded.

Hardware & Environmental Requirements

  • Compatible with FootfallCam 3D MaxTM, FootfallCam 3D Max2TM, FootfallCam 3D Plus2TM and FootfallCam 3D Pro2TM
  • FootfallCam People Counter MUST be firmware version 3.4.1 and above with compute module 3B+ in order to process HD video.
  • Staff Exclusion tag MUST be FootfallCam design of stripe pattern.
  • Live view must have enough walking space (> 2m from centre of live view, equivalent to > 4m coverage in the walking direction) for staff to be detected.
  • If the entrance is a sliding door, position FootfallCam People Counter at least 1m away from the door. If the entrance is a swing door, position FootfallCam People Counter at least 1m away from the edge of the door when it is widest open.
  • The floor must be flat. No staircases, slanted or elevated ground.
  • Ceiling Height
    • NOT supported for 2.5m and below.
    • Recommended ceiling height is 2.5m ~ 3.2m.
    • NOT supported for 3.2m and above.
  • Only for Normal Counting or Area Counting mode. Not Supported for Queue Counting or Heatmap Counting.

Guidelines to Wear Staff Tag

  • Wear tag in the centre of upper chest area for the best accuracy.
  • Wear tag upright, and not dangling downwards.
  • Wear tag in landscape orientation as shown below.
  • Do NOT wear tag with a lanyard or hide tag in pocket or cover tag with other objects such as tudung, scarf, hair, hand.
  • Do NOT hold the tag with hand.
  • Simple and plain coloured shirt works better than colourful shirt with complex patterns/stripes.
  • Walk at normal speed, otherwise motion blur might affect accuracy.
Updated on August 19, 2021