Chapter 13: Data Export and Import

13.1 Integration with Incumbent People Counter


User can ONLY migrate existing visitor count data to FootfallCam Analytic Manager

User may choose to migrate historical data from incumbent device into FootfallCam Analytic Manager The process will take up to a week to generate reports based on the historical data.

However, this function is currently not available for public release. If you would like to migrate your data from your existing people counter, please email to FootfallCam Sales Team.


13.2 Data Retrieve 

FootfallCam is a fully embedded software module, intended for any environment where store footfall counting is required. Business intelligence (BI) system extracts and analyses footfall data (from FootfallCam central server) together with ePOS data or staff labour hours (from retailer's ePOS system or staff management system) to produce management report for corporate strategic planning. By default, user able to obtain footfall data directly from counter or server via several types of methods which are listed as below: Retrieve Data via API from device


ONLY available for counter with IP Type in Static.

Long-lived access token will be provided.

STEP 1 - Generate URL: http://[insert Internal IP]/cgi-bin/access_token.cgi?username=[insert Username] &password=[insert Password]

Item Description
Internal IP Retrieve the Internal IP.


(Info: For more information on Internal IP, please refer to Section 6.2.)

Default Username Admin / admin


(Info: Case sensitive.)

Default Password 123456

STEP 2 - Run the URL and access token received will be shown as below.

URL Output

STEP 3 - Retrieve data using access token received. Generate URL with the selected parameter listed as below: http://[insert Internal IP]/cgi-bin/apiCount_cgi?data_type=[insert Data Type]&data_format=[insert Data Format]&resolution_min=[insert Resolution Minutes]&date_start=[insert Date Start]&date_end=[insert Date End]&time_start=[insert Time Start]&time_end= [insert Time End]&access_token=[insert Token]

Parameter Description Value Sample
Data Type Type of the data. json, xml data_type=xml
Data Format Format of the data. hour, minute, second data_format=second
Resolution Minutes The minutes data's resolution. 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60 resolution_min=15
Resolution Second The second data's resolution. 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60 resolution_sec=1
Date Start Start date of the data. YYYYMMDD date_start=20181231
Date End End date of the data. YYYYMMDD date_end=20190131
Time Start To set the start time range of the API HHmmss time_start=103000
Time End To set the end time range of the API HHmmss time_end=223300
Sample 1 - Counting Data in Second
Sample 2 - Counting Data in Minute
Sample 3 - Counting Data in Hour Retrieve Data via API From Analytic Manager

STEP 1 - Login Analytic manager and navigate to export page from left side navigation bar Setting > Export 

STEP 2 - Select API tab

STEP 3 - Select desired export options for each fields and click Apply

Item Description
Data Aggregation Select types of data (Counter level or Site level) to be exported. It will then further populate the drop down list by counters or by sites.
Time Aggregation Select hourly or daily aggregated data to be exported
Date Range Start and end date of data to be exported. May manually adjust 'fromdate' and 'todate' in generated URL for easier integration.
Date Format Date format used in CSV/Excel/TXT export file

STEP 4 - Click Copy button to copy the URL for exporting data based on selected fields. Some parameters may  adjust manually in URL (e.g: 'fromdate' and 'todate').


13.2.2 Retrieve Live Data via WebSocket WebSocket Client

With this module, counting data is able to be sent to your websocket server as it happens. Please consult your IT Technician if it is possible to set up a websocket server to receive our live counting data. 


Please make sure you understand the following:

Data must be acknowledged with an "OK" upon receiving them, otherwise, our counters will assume the sending has failed and will keep re-sending the same data. Your websocket server must not block any incoming connections from the Counter. This means whitelisting the site network if there is a blanket ban on connections.

Please expect dummy data to be sent so that we can confirm the connection between the counter and your server. Dummy data may also be sent after the confirmation for debugging purposes. The message's topic name will be "generic-test-topic", and you can configure your server to ignore this data.

We will hold 10,000 IN/OUT data if your Websocket Server is down. This should be around 2 weeks worth of footfall data. After this threshold is exceeded, the module will be turned off as to not bloat the counter's storage.

For this to be set up, there are several requirements: Setting up the Websocket Module


Websocket Server Address

Data MUST be acknowledged with OK upon receiving them, otherwise, FootfallCam counter will assume the sending has failed and keep re-sending the same data.

Basic Authentication (Optional)

Username and Password

In your Counter's Control Panel, navigate to the Settings tab and scroll down to find 'Websocket Module'.

Once enabled, you can fill in your Websocket Address in the field provided. If Basic Authentication is enabled in your Server, you may toggle the option and fill in the details. Otherwise, this option is optional.

Every time the setting is changed, Check Connection must be clicked before saving it to allow the Counter to test the connection.

  1. The Websocket Server should receive a JSON test data with the topic 'generic-test-topic'.
  2. The Websocket Server must return "OK". Websocket Module: Data Explanation





Name of the payload which IN / OUT data will send to server.



Unique ID.

(Info: You may obtain the CameraSerial by getting the Chipset Code from Home page.)



Start of Event in UTC Timezone.



End of Event in UTC Timezone.



Event Start Time in Linux Timestamp



Event End Time in Linux Timestamp



Event Start in Local Time.



Event End in Local Time.



UTC Time of when the Data is published to be sent.



Local Time of when the Data is published to be sent.



To indicates kind of event triggered such as Value IN or Value Out.

1 = ValueIN

2 = ValueOut


To indicate which kind of people were detected.

1 = Visitor

2 = Staff


Temporarily ONLY for Internal Use.

N / A


To indicate the people are being tracked. Example, multiple people will be indicate with different IDs.


Sample 1 - Value IN Data
{'Topic': 'ffc-eventrawdata', 'Data': {'EventStartUTCTime': '2020-06-17 03:16:41', 'EventEndLocalTime': '2020-06-17 11:16:41', 'EventStartTime': 1592363801, 'MetricId': 1, 'RoiId': 1, 'CameraSerial': '000000006afce315', 'PeopleId': 1, 'EventEndUTCTime': '2020-06-17 03:16:41', 'UploadedLocalDateTime': '2020-06-17 11:16:45', 'EventEndTime': 1592363801, 'EventStartLocalTime': '2020-06-17 11:16:41', 'UploadedUTCDateTime': '2020-06-17 03:16:45', 'PeopleTypeId': 1}}
Sample 2 - Value OUT Data
{'Topic': 'ffc-eventrawdata', 'Data': {'EventStartUTCTime': '2020-06-17 03:20:18', 'EventEndLocalTime': '2020-06-17 11:20:18', 'EventStartTime': 1592364018, 'MetricId': 2, 'RoiId': 1, 'CameraSerial': '000000006afce315', 'PeopleId': 1, 'EventEndUTCTime': '2020-06-17 03:20:18', 'UploadedLocalDateTime': '2020-06-17 11:20:21', 'EventEndTime': 1592364018, 'EventStartLocalTime': '2020-06-17 11:20:18', 'UploadedUTCDateTime': '2020-06-17 03:20:21', 'PeopleTypeId': 1}}

13.2.3 Retrieve Data via Data Integration Tool Download Link (Supports Windows 64-bit devices only)

Link Here Build/Send Query

STEP 1 - Select the API Type (Authentication/Hourly Data/Minutes Data/Seconds Data/Most Recent 60 Seconds Data).

STEP 2 - Fill in required fields accordingly.

STEP 3 - Click the Copy icon to copy Query, or the Send Query button to send Request. Copy Code Snippets

STEP 1 - Select the API Type (Authentication/Hourly Data/Minutes Data/Seconds Data/Most Recent 60 Seconds Data).

STEP 2 - Fill in required fields accordingly.

STEP 3 - Select Language.

STEP 4 - Click the Copy icon to copy Code Snippet. Link Counter to Local WebSocket Server

STEP 1 - Click the Copy icon to copy Local WebSocket Address.

STEP 2 - Navigate to Counter Setup Wizard of the counter that you wish to test WebSocket connection in your web browser.

STEP 3 - Navigate to IT Settings page, then to WebSocket Module under Advanced IT Settings section.

STEP 4 - Toggle WebSocket to "ON".

STEP 5 - Paste into WebSocket Server Address text input.

STEP 6 - Click Test Connection button.

STEP 7 - Click Save button.

STEP 8 - You should be seeing IN/OUT data (Including test connection) displaying in Response in Data Integration Tool app.


13.2.4 Retrieve Data via FTP FTP directly from counter

Time of Output Once per day
Minimum Resolution Once per 1 minute
Data Presentation By Counter level

  1. Access the Configuration page on the menu bar on the left
  2. Scroll to the Direct Export from Counter section in the newly landed page
  3. Click on the option of Enable FTP.
  4. Fill in the required details:
Item Description
1. FTP configurations FTP account details
2. Schedule How often should the data be exported
3. Date Format The date format that will appear on the data
4. File name Name of the exported file
5. File format Format of the exported file


The user must create a branch and allocate counter under the branch first. FTP push from Server

Time of Output Daily of Weekly
Minimum Resolution 1 hour
Data Presentation By Branch level
Types of Data IN and OUT values, Outside Traffic, Turn In Rate, Verification and Aggregation Status
Output format .xlsx or .csv format

  1. Select Export Centre on the menu bar on the left
  2. Click on the tab Automate Export
  3. Click on Configure to create a new FTP schedule
  4. Fill in the details as required



1.      Data aggregation

Level of data to export and which site should be exported

2.      Time aggregation

Time frame of the data to be exported

3.      Date format

Format of data that will be shown in the export file

4.      Export frequency

Frequency of the export schedule

5.      Export type

Select the file format to be exported

6.      FTP details

Input your FTP account details


You may click on Edit to edit the existing settings of any schedule.

13.2.5 Retrieve Data via SQL


Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio or equivalent is required. Use (Port: 41433) or own server address as the server name in the SQL software.
** For user of will required to setup a public static IP and request our team to whitelist the IP address

STEP 1 - Click on Setting > Company to access the Control Panel Setting page.

STEP 2 - Navigate to section Grab Data from SQL Table.

STEP 3 - Complete the process by entering all the required fields and click on Create button.

Item Description
1. Username Username used to access FootfallCam Analytic Manager V8™.
2. Password Password used to access FootfallCam Database Server.

Example updated on 2021-02-25:

Analytic Manager UserName Analytic Manager Password SQL Server UserName SQL Server Password
abc 123 xyz 789
Old approach :
Select * from functionName ('abc', '123');
Exec functionName ('abc', '123');
New approach :
Select * from functionName ('abc', '789');
Exec functionName ('abc', '789');

Note: Password '789' is only example password. For security concern, it's encourage user to set a complicated pattern set.

Sample 2 - How to get Counter List
Description To retrieve counter list and site info include ID, CameraName, IP, Port, Serial.
Function Name GetCounterByBranch
Data Params Username [nvarchar]; Password [nvarchar]; Branchid[bigint]
Sample SQL SELECT * FROM GetCounterByBranch('username', 'password', 37);
Sample Result
Sample 1 - How to get Site List
Description To retrieve site list and site info include BranchCode, BranchName, Region, City, Country, StoreType, Latitude, Longitude and Floorsize.
Function Name GetBranchList
Data Params Username [nvarchar]; Password [nvarchar]
Sample SQL SELECT * FROM GetBranchList('username','password');
Sample Result
Sample 3 - How to get Hourly Counting data by Site
Description To retrieve site hourly counting data include Branchid, ValueIn, ValueOut, OutsideTraffic, TurnInRate.
Function Name GetBranchHourly
Data Params Username [nvarchar]; Password [nvarchar]; BranchCode [bigint]; StartDate [datetime]; EndDate [datetime]
Sample SQL SELECT * FROM GetBranchHourly('username', 'password', -1, '20150320', '20150321');
Note -1 refer to the company which means all site(s).
Sample Result
Sample 4 - How to get Daily Counting data by Site
Description To retrieve site daily counting data include Branchid, ValueIn, ValueOut, OutsideTraffic, TurnInRate.
Function Name GetBranchHourly
Data Params Username [nvarchar]; Password [nvarchar]; BranchCode [bigint]; StartDate [datetime]; EndDate [datetime]
Sample SQL SELECT * FROM GetBranchDailySummary('username', 'password', 410, '20140120', '20140121');
Note -1 refer to the company which means all site(s).
Sample Result

13.2.6 Retrieve Data by Manual Export Function


Download the sample of Manual Export is available.

STEP 1 - Click on Setting > Export to access the Export page.

STEP 2 - Click on Manual Export tab to access the Manual Export tab.

STEP 3 - Complete the process by entering all the required fields and click on CSV / Excel / TXT button.

Item Description
1. Data Aggregation Select the site / counter.
2. Time Aggregation Select the length of data.
3. Date Range Select the start date and end date.
4. Date Format Select the format of the date.
5. Time Format Select the format of the time.
6. File Column Arrangement of column in download file. (Info: User able to re-organize the data column if user selected custom mode.)

13.2.7 Retrieve Data by Auto Scheduled on Web Portal 

Data can be schedule to auto generate and export to your email according to the frequency set. Below are the steps to configure the automated export setting.

STEP 1 - Click on Setting > Export to access the Export page.

STEP 2 - Click on Automate Export tab to access the Manual Export tab.

STEP 3 - Click on Configure button to access Configure Automate Export Setting page.

STEP 4 - Complete the process by entering all the required fields and click on Save button.

Item Description
1. Data Aggregation Select the site / counter.
2. Time Aggregation Select the length of data.
3. Date Format Select the format of the date.
4. Time Format Select the format of the time.
5. Export Frequency Select the export frequency.
6. Export Type Select the export format type.
(Info: There are 3 export type: Excel , CSV , TXT)
7. Email Email address
(Info: Notification will be sent to this email if the automated export is failed.)
8. Export (Email scheduler) Active schedule for export data email.
9. Your FTP Details FTP details to receive exported file.
10. Advance Setting Advance setting that included Encryption Mode and Connection Ty[e.

13.3 Sales Data Integration 

13.3.1 Prepare Import Sales File


Download the Sales Conversion Template for import sales data and enter the required site detail(s).

The requirements MUST adhered to the imported file are listed as below:



File Format

Comma-separated values (.csv)

1. StoreCode

StoreCode must match with Site Code in FootfallCam Analytic Manager V8™.

(Info: For more information on Site Code, please refer to Section 4.5 Manage Site Detail.)

2. DateTime

The format of DateTime must be DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm.

3. TotalTransactionQty

TotalTransactionQty is the number of transactions made by customer and the format must be Whole Number and without any special character.

4. TotalTransactionValue

TotalTransactionValue is the amount of payment received and the format must be Numeric up to 2 decimal places and without any special character.

The TotalTransactionQty and TotalTransactionValue can be aggregated in hour according to the sample as below:

Before Aggregation After Aggregation [Optional]

13.3.2 Import Sales File Option


There are TWO options for import file are available.

Option 1 - Manual Import

STEP 1 - Click on Setting > Import to access the Import page.

STEP 2 - Click on Manual Upload tab to access the Manual Upload tab.

STEP 3 - Complete the process by entering all the required fields and click on Import button.



1. Import Data Type

Select the Sales Data as the import data type.

2. Sales File Format

Select the import file format.

3. Upload File

Browse and upload the file in Comma-separated values (.csv) format.

4. Available Fields in CSV File 11

Drag and drop the specified field according to the header in Required Fields.

Option 2 - Automate Import

STEP 1 - Click on Setting > Import to access the Import page.

STEP 2 - Click on Automate Upload tab to access the Automate Upload tab.

STEP 3 - Click on Configure to access the Configure Automate Import Setting page.

STEP 4 - Complete the process by entering all the required fields and click on Test button to ensure the process run successfully.

STEP 5 - Click on Save button to complete the process.



1. Import Data Type

Select the Sales Data as the import data type.

2. Sales File Format

Select the import file format.

3. Upload Sample File

Browse and upload the sample file in Comma-separated values (.csv) format.

4. Available Fields in CSV File 11

Drag and drop the specified field according to the header in Required Fields.

5. Import Frequency

Select the import frequency.

6. Email

Enter an email address to receive import fail notification alert.

7. FTP Details

Enter the information required for FTP.

(Info: For more information on FTP account, please refer to Section 4.5 Manage Site Detail.)

8. Directory

Location of the sales data file.

13.3.3 Import Sales File History


Import File History ONLY contains file uploaded via Automate Upload.

STEP 1 - Click on Setting > Import to access the Import page.

STEP 2 - Click on Automate Upload tab to access the Automate Upload tab.

STEP 3 - Select the Import Data Type to manage and click on Edit.

STEP 4 - Navigate to Import History Log at the bottom of the page.

STEP 5 - Click on Download Log to view the import status in details.

Import Successfully

Import Failed


Updated on May 19, 2021