Chapter 14: Reports

Reports are better visualization to represent the data. There are many types of reports to sustain different requirement from the customers. The reports are mainly divided into two main set, which are Basic Reports and Custom Reports.


14.1 Basic Reports

Basic Reports included the reports that generally used by all customer according to the industry.

14.1.1 Types of Basic Reports

Level of Reporting Report Name Industry Usage
Company Level Company Daily Report General To showcase the daily trend across all branches based on a compiled daily report for macro view across all stores in the chain and drill down to an individual store in question if performance drops.
Company Weekly Report General To showcase the overall weekly trend across all branches within the company and provide all C-level executives with a comprehensive insight on the consumer behaviors and have a macro view of the performance of the stores.
Company Monthly Report General To showcase the overall trend across the previous month for all branches within the company. Provide all C-level executives with a comprehensive insight on the consumer behaviors and have a macro view of the performance of the stores.
Company Site Comparison Report Retail To compare two different group of stores based on environment to determine difference between traffic pattern based on external actors and enable top management to categorise different types of stores.
Site Level Daily Report General To showcase the daily trend across the site and have a macro view of the performance of the site.
Weekly Report General To showcase the overall trend across the week and provide a comprehensive insight on the consumer behaviors and have a macro view of the performance of the site.
Monthly Report General To showcase the overall trend across the previous month and provide a comprehensive insight on the consumer behaviors and have a macro view of the performance of the site.
Shopping Mall Daily Report Shopping Mall A daily run through of the performance of the shopping mall in comparison of the previous day. Management can implement better personnel allocation based on the peak traffic in area.
Weekly Report Shopping Mall To showcase the overall trend across the week and provide a comprehensive insight on the consumer behaviors of the shopping mall.
Monthly Report Shopping Mall With monthly insight into the shopping mall performance, overseers and develops will have analytical insight into the total visitor count of their mall and to quantify customer loyalty in certain areas or zones.
Counter Daily Report Shopping Malls A comprehensive report on the footfall data of each individual counter installed in the shopping mall that list the total number of visitor count recorded by each individual counter on an hourly basis.
Zone Analysis report Shopping Malls Identifiable zones within the shopping mall can be viewed in terms of trend in determining which area of the shopping mall garners the most sales opportunities and tenant rental value may be adjusted accordingly.

14.1.2 Report Page Access

Admin user for FootfallCam Analytic Manager V8™ can alters the reports access to enable certain user to view and hide from other user. This section focuses on the configuration of report page access.

STEP 1 - Access to FootfallCam Analytic Manager V8™: via Google Chrome.

STEP 2 - Click on Setting > Users to access the User Accounts page.

STEP 3 - Navigate to the user to be updated and click Edit.

STEP 4 - Navigate to Page Access section and select the report page that allow to view by the user. If the page is not at the selected page box, then it will be hidden from the user.

STEP 5 - Click the Save button at the top right corner of the page to save the update.


14.2 Custom Reports

Custom Reports are reports which applied to specific solutions. These reports will only be available upon request via support ticket.

14.2.1 Custom Reports Request

To request for custom reports, follow the following steps to raise a support ticket.

STEP 1 - Access to FootfallCam Analytic Manager V8™: via Google Chrome.

STEP 2 - Click on Maintenance > Support Portal to access the Support Portal page.

STEP 3 - Click on +Raise a Ticket button to access the Raise a Trouble Ticket page.

STEP 4 - Enter "Custom Report Request" in Ticket Subject and select "Others" for Category.

STEP 5 - Complete the process by entering the reports' name and other required fields and click on Submit button.

For more information regarding how to manage support request, please refer Chapter 24: Support Request


14.2.2 Types of Custom Reports

Report Name Industry Usage
Company Sales Conversion Daily report Retail Provide a daily insight into whether sales have dropped in the previous day according to the number of visitors that have visit the store and display an interest in the product.
Company Sales Conversion Weekly Report Retail Provide an insight into how well the stores are at converting their visitors into a store into a shopper and if a store is performing badly in terms of conversion, drill down to the issue and cause of deficit.
Company Opening and Closing Report Retail Benchmarking for the stores hour optimisation within the company to determine when a store should open and close. Doing so will enable the store managers to adjust the operating hour of different store in different area and save resources on staff allocation.
Store Sales Conversion Daily Report Retail Provide a daily insight into whether sales have dropped in the previous day according to the number of visitors that have visit the store and display an interest in the product.
Store Sales Conversion Weekly Report Retail Provide an insight into how well the store staff is at converting the visitors entering a store into a shopper and if a store is performing badly in terms of conversion, drill down to the issue and cause of deficit.
Store Opening and Closing Report Retail Review the opening and closing time analysis of stores based on the outside traffic data picked up by the FootfallCam to determine the most opportunistic moment and adjust the operating hour of the individual store based on the opportunities.
Marketing Effectiveness Reports Retail To determine how well the marketing campaign did by comparing the key performance index of three different time periods. This report will enable marketing managers to determine the perfect promotional strategy to cater to their demographics.
Space Occupancy Report Retail To determine the space occupancy status of an area. This report enable store managers to determine the peak hour of the store.
Space Occupancy Dashboard Retail To display the space occupancy status of a store. It is useful in covid-19 pandemic to control the number of people in store.
Staff Space Occupancy Dashboard Retail To showcase the live occupancy of a location and the hourly trend of the occupancy status.
Heat Map Analytic Report Retail Identifiable areas within the store can be viewed in terms of intensity to determine which area or products garners the most sales opportunities.
Product Engagement Report Retail A comprehensive report on the product engagement level by the visitors. This report enables the company to determine which products have more engagement but not able to convert into sales.


14.3 Report Builder

14.3.1 Create New Report


Users are required to enter a name for the report. (Maximum 40 characters)


Users are required to choose the type of the report. For the Dashboard, it is used to monitor real-time data (e.g. Live Space Occupancy, Live Visitor Count, etc.) while for the Report, it is used to analyze the historical data (e.g. Daily Visitor Count, Monthly Visitor Count, etc.).


The default granularity for report is Site. Granularity is used to determine the level of data aggregation in the report.

Time Interval:

For Report, the dropdown option will exclude the "Live" option. If "Custom Date Range" is selected, Set Specific Date Range checkbox will be shown. If the checkbox is selected, users are required to choose Start Date and End Date for the report, else if the checkbox is unselected, the Start Date and End Date will be reset to null. If "Based on Marketing Campaign" is selected, the granularity will be reset to "Site" and set as readonly.


Users are required to select the report's location. If no folder is selected, the location of the report will be on the main page. If a folder is selected from the dropdown list, the new report will be located at the selected folder.

Privacy Settings:

If a folder is selected, the privacy settings will be overwritten with the selected folder's privacy settings and set the field as readonly, else if no folder is selected, users are able to select the privacy settings of the new report.

If the role of the login user is User (not Admin), the user is not allowed to create a new report and the report creation button is hidden.

Custom Reports User Access

User Role User Access
Admin Able to view all Reports and all Dashboards which create under the Company
User Able to view all Reports and Dashboards which the Site can be accessed by the login user

14.3.2 Report Configuration

Users are able to select widgets for the report from the list of widgets by clicking the "Add Widget" button. Custom Report Type - Report Box Widget

A) B04R - Grid Box with Goal and Sparkline

  • Used to display the summary data for the metric selected which contains metric information such as goal and data trendline.



Select the metric for data visualization.


Follow Report Setting: (Default)

This widget granularity will follow to the granularity chosen on report creation .

Follow Widget Setting:

Users can customize the granularity by selecting the granularity from the Granularity list without following the report granularity during report creation.

Bind to Specific Data Source?

If ticked, this widget data is binded to a data source (e.g Site / Area). If untick, users are able to view the data of any sites / areas by selecting the selector from Right Side Bar in View Mode.

*Required field

Chart Title*

Title for the chart. (Maximum 30 characters)

Export Name*

Export name of the widget for the export function.

*Required field

Show Sparkline

If tick, users are able to visualize the data trendline.


No comparison: Show the selected metric data

Compare with Specific Time Range: (Feature is coming soon)

Compare with Goal: Display the goal threshold which can select the from the dropdown list. Users are required to configure the goal threshold in Metric Threshold Configuration. If users select compare with goal, users are unable to tick the Show Sparkline.

Subtitle: Set the title for the goal text.

Show Goal Conversion: Show the percentage of the data divide by the goal threshold.

SSI (Optional)

Apply custom SSI code by selecting SSI template

*Required field Floorplan Widget

A) F01R - Floorplan

  • Used to visualize the custom data constitutes a floor plan



Follow Report Setting: (Default)

This widget granularity will follow to the granularity chosen on report creation .

Follow Widget Setting:

Users can customize the granularity by selecting the granularity from the Granularity list without following the report granularity during report creation.


Grouped data follow the selected groupby value

Metric List*

Select metric for data visualization

SSI (Optional)

Apply custom SSI code by selecting SSI template

*Required field Graph Widget

A) G01R - Line Chart

  • Used to view a series of data points with a continuous line


Graph Title*

Set the title text for the line graph


Follow Report Setting: (Default)

This widget granularity will follow to the granularity chosen on report creation .

Follow Widget Setting:

Users can customize the granularity by selecting the granularity from the Granularity list without following the report granularity during report creation.


Grouped data follow the selected groupby value

Time Interval*

Follow Report Setting:

This widget time interval will follow to the time interval chosen on report creation. (Currently is not applied)

Follow Widget Setting: (Default)

Users can customize the time interval by selecting the time interval without following the report time interval during report creation.

Metric List*

Select metric for data visualization


Data comparison feature

X-axis label*

Label text for the x-axis

Y-axis label*

Label text for the y-axis

SSI (Optional)

Apply custom SSI code by selecting SSI template

Export Name*

Export name of the widget for the export function

*Required field

B) G02R - Stacked Column Chart

  • Used to visualize data that accumulated a sum. The chart showing data labels for each individual section of stack


Graph Title*

Set the title text for the chart


Follow Report Setting: (Default)

This widget granularity will follow to the granularity chosen on report creation .

Follow Widget Setting:

Users can customize the granularity by selecting the granularity from the Granularity list without following the report granularity during report creation.


Grouped data follow the selected groupby value

Time Interval*

Follow Report Setting:

This widget time interval will follow to the time interval chosen on report creation. (Currently is not applied)

Follow Widget Setting: (Default)

Users can customize the time interval by selecting the time interval without following the report time interval during report creation.

Metric List*

Select metric for data visualization


Data comparison feature

X-axis label*

Label text for the x-axis

Y-axis label*

Label text for the y-axis


Turn on to stack the column chart

SSI (Optional)

Apply custom SSI code by selecting SSI template.

Export Name*

Export name of the widget for the export function

*Required field

C) G05R - 100% Stacked Column Chart

  • Used to show the relative percentage of multiple data series in stacked columns, where the total (cumulative) of stacked columns always equals 100%


Graph Title*

Set the title text for the chart


Follow Report Setting: (Default)

This widget granularity will follow to the granularity chosen on report creation .

Follow Widget Setting:

Users can customize the granularity by selecting the granularity from the Granularity list without following the report granularity during report creation.


Grouped data follow the selected groupby value

Time Interval*

Follow Report Setting:

This widget time interval will follow to the time interval chosen on report creation. (Currently is not applied)

Follow Widget Setting: (Default)

Users can customize the time interval by selecting the time interval without following the report time interval during report creation.

Metric List*

Select metric for data visualization

X-axis label*

Label text for the x-axis

Y-axis label*

Label text for the y-axis

SSI (Optional)

Apply custom SSI code by selecting SSI template.

Export Name*

Export name of the widget for the export function

*Required field

D) G06R - Clustered Chart

  • Used to show a combination of a column and a line chart, using multiple y-axes. Using multiple axes allows for data with different ranges to be visualized together


Graph Title*

Set the title text for the chart


Follow Report Setting: (Default)

This widget granularity will follow to the granularity chosen on report creation .

Follow Widget Setting:

Users can customize the granularity by selecting the granularity from the Granularity list without following the report granularity during report creation.

Group By*

Grouped data follow the selected groupby value

Time Interval*

Follow Report Setting:

This widget time interval will follow to the time interval chosen on report creation. (Currently is not applied)

Follow Widget Setting: (Default)

Users can customize the time interval by selecting the time interval without following the report time interval during report creation.

Metric List*

Select metric for data visualization

X-axis label*

Label text for the x-axis

Y-axis label*

Label text for the y-axis

SSI (Optional)

Apply custom SSI code by selecting SSI template.

Export Name*

Export name of the widget for the export function

*Required field Header Widget

A) H01 - Title

  • Used to indicate the usage of the report which contains general and basic information such as topic, company name, site name and current timestamp for selected date range of report.



Main title text (e.g. Space Occupancy Report)


Subtitle text (e.g. date range)

SSI (Optional)

Apply custom SSI code by selecting SSI template.

B) H02 - Section Title

  • Used to indicate the usage of the report which contains general and basic information. Consist of tooltips.



Section title text (e.g. Area 1)


Display text for the tooltips when hovering it

SSI (Optional)

Apply custom SSI code by selecting SSI template.

C) H03R - Notes

  • Used to record down the notes or extra information for the report.



Title text for the notes

Note Content

Note to display

+ New Note

User are able to add more notes by clicking the button

SSI (Optional)

Apply custom SSI code by selecting SSI template.

D) H04 - Comment

  • Used to add a personal comment or start a conversation about a report with your colleagues


[Only applied on View Mode] Click "Edit" to write a comment, "Save" to save the new comment in the same report, "Save As" to make a new copy of the report with the latest comment. Table Widget

A) T02R - Report Table

  • Used to display summary data in table format to have better visualization



Set the title text for the table


Follow Report Setting: (Default)

This widget granularity will follow to the granularity chosen on report creation .

Follow Widget Setting:

Users can customize the granularity by selecting the granularity from the Granularity list without following the report granularity during report creation.


Grouped data follow the selected groupby value

Time Interval*

Follow Report Setting:

This widget time interval will follow to the time interval chosen on report creation. (Currently is not applied)

Follow Widget Setting: (Default)

Users can customize the time interval by selecting the time interval without following the report time interval during report creation.


Select metric for data visualization

Column Name*

Display text for the column

+ New Metric (Optional)

Add columns for the table

Sort By (Optional)

  • Option to filter by column selected. (Select Attribute)
  • Option to view data in ascending or descending. (Select Order)
  • Option to view number of data


SSI (Optional)

Apply custom SSI code by selecting SSI template.

Export Name*

Export name of the widget for the export function

*Required field

B) T03R - Heatmap Table

  • Used to visualize hot spots within data sets and to show patterns or correlations


Graph Title*

Set the title text for the table


Follow Report Setting: (Default)

This widget granularity will follow to the granularity chosen on report creation .

Follow Widget Setting:

Users can customize the granularity by selecting the granularity from the Granularity list without following the report granularity during report creation.

Metric List*

Select metric for data visualization

SSI (Optional)

Apply custom SSI code by selecting SSI template.

Export Name*

Export name of the widget for the export function

*Required field Custom Report Type - Dashboard Box Widget

A) B01D - Grid Box

  • Used to indicate the summary data of the metric selected.



Set the title text for the widget


Follow Report Setting: (Default)

This widget granularity will follow to the granularity chosen on dashboard creation .

Follow Widget Setting:

Users can customize the granularity by selecting the granularity from the Granularity list without following the dashboard granularity during dashboard creation.

Granularity List*

Select a Site/Area to visualize the data for selected site

Subtitle 1*/2/3

Display text for the display data (e.g. Live Occupancy Data)

* Compulsory for Subtitle 1, Optional for Subtitle 2 & 3


Data type of the metric selected

Metric List*

Select metric for data visualization

SSI (Optional)

Apply custom SSI code by selecting SSI template.

*Required field

B) B04R - Grid Box with Goal and Sparkline

Refer to Box Widget (A)

C) B05D - Alert Grid Box

  • Used to display the summary data for the metric selected with action plan



Follow Report Setting: (Default)

This widget granularity will follow to the granularity chosen on dashboard creation .

Follow Widget Setting:

Users can customize the granularity by selecting the granularity from the Granularity list without following the dashboard granularity during dashboard creation.

Granularity List*

Select a Site/Area to visualize the data for selected site


Select metric for data visualization

Action Plan*

Action plan to display when reach threshold or not

Action Title*

Title for the selected action plan

Action Message*

Message content to display on the action plan

+ New Action Plan

Able to set more than one Action Plan with different action plan, title and message

SSI (Optional)

Apply custom SSI code by selecting SSI template

*Required field

C) B06D - QR Code

  • Mainly used for manual occupancy page redirection



Set the title text for the widget

URL Display Text*

Text for the URL


Redirection URL for the display URL text or QR code

*Required field Graph Widget

A) G01D - Line Chart

  • Used to used to view a series of live data points with a continuous line.


Metric List* Select metric for data visualization

Follow Report Setting: (Default)

This widget granularity will follow to the granularity chosen on dashboard creation .

Follow Widget Setting:

Users can customize the granularity by selecting the granularity from the Granularity list without following the dashboard granularity during dashboard creation.

Group By* Grouped data follow the selected groupby value
Bind to Specific Data Source? If ticked, this widget data is binded to a data source (e.g Site / Area). If untick, users are able to view the data of any sites / areas by selecting the selector from Right Side Bar in View Mode.
Time Interval Settings*

Follow Report Setting:

This widget time interval will follow to the time interval chosen on dashboard creation. (Currently is not applied)

Follow Widget Setting: (Default)

Users can customize the time interval by selecting the time interval without following the dashboard time interval during dashboard creation.

Update Frequency* The update frequency number of the graph

*Required field

Chart Title*

Title for the chart. (Maximum 30 characters)

X-axis Label

Display text for x-axis

Y-axis Label

Display text for y-axis

Export Name*

Export name of the widget for the export function.

If there is no custom indicator for line or band, the line chart plot band and plot line will follow the default threshold and color.

Add New Indicator

Create New Line Indicator

Color Set color for the plot line
Set Widget Specific Threshold If ticked, the metric threshold value will follow according to the value set by user, else by default will follow the metric threshold value according to the granularity of the widget
Upper Limit Dropdown list for the metric threshold value. If Set Widget Specific Threshold is ticked, the dropdown list will change to text field which allow user to key in the self-defined threshold value

Create New Band Indicator

Band Label* Label text for the plot band

Set color for the plot band

Range of Plot Band*
Greater than a threshold Plot the band which greater than the threshold value with the selected color
Range of values Plot the band which between the range of upper limit threshold value and lower limit threshold value with the selected color
Lower than a threshold Plot the band which lower than the threshold value with the selected color
Set Widget Specific Threshold If ticked, the metric threshold value will follow according to the value set by user, else by default will follow the metric threshold value according to the granularity of the widget

Select "+ Create New Threshold" to create new metric threshold for widget level. User can update the widget level threshold value by select the options.

B) G08D - Race Bar Chart

  • Used to visualize the trend over time which provides holistic data story / insight in a concise and easy to understand chart.


Graph Title*

Title for the graph. (Maximum 30 characters)


Follow Report Setting: (Default)

This widget granularity will follow to the granularity chosen on dashboard creation .

Follow Widget Setting:

Users can customize the granularity by selecting the granularity from the Granularity list without following the dashboard granularity during dashboard creation.

Granularity List*

Select a Site/Area to visualize the data for selected site

Group By

Grouped data follow the selected groupby value


Select metric for data visualization

X-axis Label*

Display text for x-axis

Y-axis Label*

Display text for y-axis

Max Column

Maximum site/area to show (Maximum number is 50 per graph)

SSI (Optional)

Apply custom SSI code by selecting SSI template

Export Name*

Export name of the widget for the export function.

*Required field Header Widget

Refer to Header Widget.

After done adding and configuring the widgets, click "Save Changes" to save the new created report.

Updated on March 18, 2021