Environmental Protection Policy Statement
FootfallCam is committed to the protection and conservation of the environment and ranks environmental considerations equally with commercial and operational factors in managing its operations.
- Management objectives and targets are established and reviewed on a regular basis to implement this policy. These are based on a commitment to six environment principles:
- Promote procedures and practices which enhance environmental protection, taking into account current legislation and industry codes of practice.
- Take voluntary steps, where appropriate, to improve environmental performance.
- Communicate clear management directions to properly motivate employees so that they perform in an environmentally responsible manner.
- Ensure that third parties acting on behalf of the Company are aware of this policy and where necessary, improve their own structure and operations to conform with it.
- Communicate with employees, appropriate authorities and the public enabling us to respond to their environmental concerns, and
- Monitor environmental performance to ensure compliance with this policy as well as with legal requirements.
This Environmental Policy is communicated to all contractors and made available to the public on request. The involvement of the Company workforce and external interested and affected parties in its Environmental Policy is encouraged by the Company through effective communication procedures.