Chapter 5: User Group and User Setting

5.1 User Group Setting

5.1.1 Create User Group


    • There are 2 default user groups:
      • DefaultAdminGroup (hierarchy = 1)
      • DefaultUserGroup (hierarchy = 2)
    • DefaultAdminGroup is given all accesses in Company Management, Site Group Management, User Management and User Group Management which the other user groups (hierarchy>1) can never access.
    • Other user groups (hierarchy>1) can only edit the accesses in Site Tree View, Device Management.
    • The previous users who are admins are auto-assigned to DefaultAdminGroup while the users are auto-assigned to DefaultUserGroup.

User Group Page Image

Item Description
1. Search Filter the table by User Group and Hierarchy.
2. User Group User group name.
3. Hierarchy Hierarchy of the user group.
4. No. of User(s) The number of users linked with the user group.
Click to access the User Accounts page with the user list linked to the user group.
5. Action Edit user group settings.

STEP 1 - Click on Setting > User Group to access the User Group page.

STEP 2 - Click on + New User Group to access the User Group Settings page.

User Group Settings Page Image

Item Description
1. User Group Name Enter a preferred name.
2. Hierarchy Enter a preferred hierarchy.
(Info: Cannot lower than 1 since hierarchy =1 is the DefaultAdminGroup.)
3. No. of User(s) The number of users linked with the user group.
Click to access the User Accounts page with the user list linked to the user group.
4. Analytics Manager V8 Portal Access Rights Tick the preferred accesses allowed for this user group with the preferred action views.

STEP 3 - Complete the process by entering all the required fields and click on the Save button.

5.1.2 Update User Group


Page images and descriptions refer to 5.1.1

STEP 1 - Click on Setting > User Group to access the User Group page.

User Group Setting (Edit) Image

STEP 2 - Click on Edit to access the User Group Settings page.

STEP 3 - Complete the process by entering all the required fields and click on the Save button.

5.1.3 Delete User Group


    • Page images and descriptions refer to 5.1.1 and 5.1.2
    • User Group with hierarchy = 1 cannot be deleted since it is the DefaultAdminGroup.

STEP 1 - Click on Setting > User Group to access the User Group page.

STEP 2 - Click on Edit to access the User Group Settings page.

STEP 3 - Click on the Delete User Group button and Confirm button to delete the user group.

5.2 User Setting (DefaultAdminGroup)

5.2.1 Create User

User Accounts Page Image

Item Description
1. Search Filter the table by Name, Username, Email Address and User Group.
2. Name User's display name.
3. Username User account's username.
4. Email Address User's email address.
5. User Group User linked user group name.
6. Last Login On User's last login date time.
7. Action Edit user settings.

STEP 1 - Click on Setting > User Accounts to access the User Accounts page.

STEP 2 - Click on + New User button to access the User Settings page.

User Setting Page Image

Item Description
1. Display Name Enter a preferred display name.
2. Username  Enter a preferred username.
(Info: Used to login account.)
3. Email Address Enter a preferred email address.
(Info: Confirmation email will be sent to the email address.)
4. Password Enter a preferred password.
5. Confirm Password Enter to confirm the password field entered.
6. User Group Select the preferred user group.
(Info: If DefaultAdminGroup is selected, the access type is auto-selected to Site Group Level and all Site Groups are selected to allow access)
7. Language Select a preferred language.
8. Default Page Select the default landing page upon the user login.
9. Last Login On Show the user's last login date time.
10. Site Access Type Select the preferred site access type.
(Info: If DefaultAdminGroup is selected, the access type is auto-selected to Site Group Level and all Site Groups are selected to allow access)
11. Site Group Dual List
(Site Group Level Access)
Select the list of site groups that allow the user to access.
12. Site Dual List
(Site Level Access)
Select the list of sites that allow the user to access.
13. Page Access Dual List Select the list of pages that allow the user to access.

STEP 3 - Complete the process by entering all the required fields and click on the Save button.

5.2.2 Update User


    • Page images and descriptions refer to 5.2.1
    • The password field is allowed to be empty for not changing the password.

STEP 1 - Click on Setting > User Accounts to access the User Accounts page.

User Setting (Edit) Image

STEP 2 - Click on Edit to access the User Settings page.

STEP 3 - Complete the process by entering all the required fields and click on the Save button.

5.2.3 Delete User


Page images and descriptions refer to 5.2.1 and 5.2.2

STEP 1 - Click on Setting > User Group to access the User Group page.

STEP 2 - Click on Edit to access the User Settings page.

STEP 3 - Click on the Delete User button and Confirm button to delete the user account.

5.3 User Setting (User)

5.3.1 Update User Profile

STEP 1 - Click on your username on top right and select Profile.

STEP 2 - Update the required fields and click on Save Profile.

Item Description
1. Name Enter a preferred name.
2. Email Enter a preferred email address.

(Info: Confirmation email will be sent to the email address.)

3. Password Click on Change Password to reset password.
4. Language Selector Select the preferred language.

5.3.1 Delete User Profile


ONLY user with Administrator role may access the feature.

STEP 1 - Click on Setting > Users to access the User Account page.

STEP 2 - Click on X under the Delete User column to delete a registered user.

STEP 3 - Click on Delete User on the pop-out confirmation to complete the process.

5.4 Forgot Login Password

STEP 1 - Access to FootfallCam Analytic Manager V8™:

STEP 2 - Enter your username and click on Submit.

STEP 3 - Check your inbox for new password generated by FootfallCam server.

STEP 4 - Access to FootfallCam Analytic Manager V8™: with new generated password.

STEP 5 - Click on your username on top right and select Profile.

STEP 6 - Click on Change Password and enter your preferred password.

STEP 7 - Click on Save to complete the process.

Updated on March 10, 2021