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  4. [Customisation] Chapter 7: Steps to Customise in Photo Edit Page

[Customisation] Chapter 7: Steps to Customise in Photo Edit Page

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Photo Edit Page is one of the functions of Photobooth application, which allows the user make some simple editing onto their photo. With creativity of the user, user is able to customise their photos with their own unique design.

Features: Add stickers, drawing lines by choosing their own colour, customisable asset, unlimited undo the steps of customisation.


1.0 Game-play



1.1 Features Explanation

1.1.1 Stickers

a. Stickers
Choose & insert stickers to the photos with one-click selection. Users only need to control their fingers to move, scale & remove the stickers. They can insert up to 6 sticker icons on the editing panel.


1.1.2 Brush Panel

a. Brushes
Paint & draw onto the photos by tracking your finger position.

b. Color Slider
Easily choose your preferable colour with simply sliding the colour slider. Gradient of selected colour is able to customise by user as well.

c. Undo Button
Unlimited undo the editing step for your drawing lines.


1.1.3 Other Buttons

a. Next Button
Confirm and save your photo after editing.
b. Close Button
Redirect to take photo page if user unsatisfied the photo.


2.0 Replaceable asset

The images/ assets that shown in the table below are replaceable assets, You can simply change them by following the step below:

  1. Browse and login to portal.magicmirror.me.
  2. On the left side navigation tab, select Content Management > Events.
  3. Select to enter the event 'MINIPhotoboothDSLR'.
  4. Select 'Asset' folder, drag & drop the stickers and icons you wish to change.

*Note: Make sure the name of the file you upload is EXACTLY SAME as the file name shown in the table below. Or you can change the name of image from the LayoutInfo.db, and we will explain it next time.

Asset Description File Name Dimensions of Image
A Sticker 1 StickerIcon1.png 500 x 500
B Sticker 2 StickerIcon2.png 500 x 500
C Sticker 3 StickerIcon3.png 500 x 500
D Sticker 4 StickerIcon4.png 500 x 500
E Sticker 5 StickerIcon5.png 500 x 500
F Sticker 6 StickerIcon6.png 500 x 500
G Brush BrushIcon.png 160 x 80
H Undo Button UndoButtonImage.png 80 x 80
I Next Button NextButtonImage.png 140 x 140
J Close Button CloseButtonImage.png 140 x 140

*Note: Please make sure the dimension of source image is followed the table above which is EXACTLY SAME with the attached sample - PhotoEditPage_Sample.zip

Updated on April 26, 2021